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Aspartame: possible cancer cause 阿斯巴甜被归类为可能致癌物

发布日期:2023-11-03  点击:

尽管阿斯巴甜最近被列为 “可能” 致癌物,但专家并未对建议的阿斯巴甜饮食摄入量做出改变。

The WHO says it has listed aspartame as possibly carcinogenic on the basis of limited evidence that it may increase the risk of liver cancer. This places aspartame in the same hazard classification group as aloe vera and Asian pickled vegetables, but below those deemed probably carcinogenic such as night shift work and eating red meat.


The WHO says the current safe daily limits for aspartame are unchanged. That means an adult weighing 11 stone or 70 kilos would need to drink more than four litres of diet soft drink a day to exceed the acceptable daily limit. When asked which was better for you, a can of diet or regular sugary cola, a WHO scientist recommended a third option, water.
