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月儿弯弯照九州,几家欢乐几家愁。几家夫妇同罗帐,几个飘零在外头。 ——南宋民歌

发布日期:2023-10-20  点击:

A crescent moon is shining in the sky at night.

Happy or sad, people all share its bright light.

Happy are those who have their family close at hand.

Sad are those who are wandering alone in a distant land.


The moon gracefully lights the vast land,

Some homes rejoice, while others barely stand;

Some couples share their cozy nest,

Others roam far, in search of the best.

(冯雷 )

A crescent moon above the land gleams,

In homes, a mix of joy and woe teems.

Some couples share their love beneath the beams,

While others wander, lost in distant dreams.

