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发布日期:2023-09-19  点击:


There was an official named Zihan in the State of Song during the Spring and Autumn period, who was virtuous and upright and never accepted gifts from others. He was very prestigious among the people. One day, a peasant got a piece of stone with jade in it and presented it to Zihan. But Zihan refused to accept it. The peasant explained, “It looks like an ordinary stone, but in fact there is jade inside, so it is actually a treasure and only suitable for honorable person like you, not for us common people.” Zihan smiled and said, “I value not being greedy, but you value jade. If I accepted your treasure, we would both lose our treasures. Why don’t you keep your treasure? Thus, I will keep mine.” On hearing this, the man who presented the treasure was shocked and ashamed.